Complete Conscious Sedation For Dental Nurses (intravenous and inhalation)
Fully IACSD and STAC accredited
Complete Conscious Sedation
Complete Conscious sedation
Fully IACSD accredited and GDC recognised training in Intravenous and inhalation conscious sedation (and Oral sedation) by way of online videos, demos, lectures, quizzes and downloads
Assistance in RCS Accreditation of your chosen experienced supervisor (prior to starting the course and mandatory)or join your dentist for free at our sedation mentoring centre.
24 hours vCPD for the online training plus a potential 7 hours vCPD per day for the mentoring aspect.
Multiple Enrolment Discounts available
Branded resources USB, logbook and recommended textbook included
Full support and guidance on logbook completion, competency completion and case studies as well as daily support from sedation diploma practitioners throughout
Accredited Independent IV, Inhalation and Oral sedation provider Certification
Access to all resources for 12 months and full support throughout
as easy as 1,2,3.....4
Apply for Supervisor Approval where required and complete the accredited online didactic learning, online tasks, MCQs and practice assessment (24 hours verifiable CPD), you will receive your sedation pack in the post including your recommended textbook, logbook and USB
Complete and document 20 Intravenous and 10 Inhalation cases. These will be supervised by an IACSD accredited mentor of your choosing or of our provision if coming to the sedation centre. Mentor centre available for additional fee
Complete short case studies x 2 and submit all online
Final Review of Reflective case studies; logbook and assessments followed by Accredited Certification!
Start Today
Any Supervisor approval fees are included but extra fees apply if using the mentor centres for cases, there is nothing else to pay, please contact us on [email protected] for a supervisor approval form
Pay Monthly over 6 months
Pay Monthly over 3 months